Tuesday, January 29, 2013

38 weeks

Christian is 20 inches long
and is almost to his final weight!
How many weeks? 38  weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: 53 (I lost a pound last week!--weird)
Maternity clothes? Duh ;)
Stretch marks? Still no....hoping and praying it stays like this!
Sleep: Tossing and turning a bit more, but my sleep is okay
Best moment this week: Have a doctor appointment on the 31st, hoping to have a better idea when we can expect Christian! Finished his growth chart last night :)
Miss Anything? Christian's sweet tiny kicks... now they are "knock a motha out" kicks=brutal
Movement: Still active. I feel bad for him because I know he is running out of room in there!
Food cravings: Ok, so I'm starting to crave my Ice Cream and Chocolate! I'm happy it's coming at the end! I want Vanilla Ice Cream and Fudge... so odd.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nada
Gender: Daddy's little fishing buddy ;)
Symptoms:  Large and in charge! My swelling is calming down (knock on wood) but my backacne (sorry gross I know lol)  and hot flashes are in full force. Poor Tyler... 
Belly Button in or out? It's pretty much out. Looks funny
Mood?: Anxious, Happy, Sleepy, Worried, Excited & Blessed
Looking forward to: My 1st contraction! Everyone has asked me 100 times if I have had any, and I still have not. I'm just curious to know what they feel like.
I know I'll regret this one later, but I really want to know! Also, my cousin Caty (Aunt Caty) is coming to spend my final weekend before his due date with me! I'm SO excited to see her!
 10 Days!!

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