Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One Month!

Yesterday marked exactly ONE MONTH until our sweet baby's due date! Hard to think we are already to this point and here before long we will get to see, hold, and kiss our little boy for the 1st time.

The past 8 months (really 9) has been a journey that has changed my life forever. Going into pregnancy I truly had NO IDEA what was ahead. I read all the books and blogs I possibly could to try to "prepare" myself- little did I know I would I create my own experience.

I remember around week 7 (because this is what the books told me I should expect this to happen) I would walk into a restaurant or open my fridge...and smell anything and everything I could to see if that would be the item to make me "nauseous". To my surprise nothing ever bothered me. Now, I'm not trying to brag here for those of you who nothing settled well with! My point is at that moment I should have taken into consideration that just because the Book says so or the Blog tells me this, does NOT mean it will happen. Don't get me wrong- there are definitely things that I read and was warned about by my brutally honest friend (thank you Sarah Packer) that I was SO happy I was prepared for, but I truly have been blessed with a smooth pregnancy.

It's bittersweet thinking about how it's quickly coming to an end. As much as I have complained at times and been a grump (sorry Tyler)  I will miss the bond I've shared with my sweet boy. From the moment I took the test, seeing his little pea body wiggling around at our 1st ultra sound, hearing his itty bitty FAST heartbeat for the 1st time, finding out that he is really a BOY, feeling his little flutter kicks, seeing his tiny hiccups move my belly, and now feeling his strong "I'll kick your rib out" Kicks...ALL OF IT. I'm going to miss. He has been so safe in my belly, but now it's almost time for him to face this big, scary, crazy and fun world. 

I think about what he will look like and who he will be like everyday. I try to picture the feeling I'll have when Tyler and I get to meet our son for the 1st time, and it makes my heart melt. Although, this journey is quickly coming to an end...our story and Christian's is just beginning :)

Now that I'm crying and SWEATING horribly-it's time to stop! Thank you all again for following me throughout these months and reading my nonsense. I know I've said it before, but we couldn't have done this without the love and support of our AMAZING family and friends. We love you.

30 Days!

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