Wednesday, February 6, 2013

39 can this be?!?

Christian is ready to make his debut!!
How many weeks? 39  weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: 54
Maternity clothes? I now have a favorite pair of jeans and work pants
Stretch marks? Not yet-trying to stay strong! Lathering up BIG TIME!
Sleep: As good as it can be. Definitely challenging to roll from side to side. I either have to pee when I do or can't breath. Not to mention I dreamt that I gave birth to twins last night-but not just any twins...twin, KITTENS. (I'm stopping here...)  
Best moment this week: Angie treated me to a eflexology appoinment today! It was amazing!!  And I'm just trying to enjoy these final days before Christian gets here! Soaking up all his little movements and eating everything I can ;)  
Miss Anything? So many things, but I know I will miss this time. I will miss my little baby rolling, kicking and just being in my belly :(
Movement: He is a wiggly little booger!
Food cravings: Meats, Milk, and some sweets. Was eating icing out of the container tonight....neat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: My little boy!
Symptoms: Some shooting pains and swelling
Belly Button in or out? Out
Mood?: Ready to meet my baby!!
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment this Friday- Christian's due date! Hoping to have a better idea on when we can expect to meet our little man. And I can't express enough how excited I am to just see him, hold him and kiss him for the 1st time! Ahhh!! It's so close!!!

My 1st picture of my sweet boy at 9 weeks!
Can't believe it's really almost here!!!
2 Days!!
or maybe sooner... ;)


  1. I'm still hoping for a Feb. 12th due date!

    1. Awe, that would be perfect!! And VERY possible ;)
