Tuesday, January 1, 2013

34 Weeks

Christian could be as long
 as 20 inches and weighing 5lbs!
How many weeks? 34
Total weight gain: 37
Maternity clothes?  Can I just say that I'm not sure if I'll EVER go back to regular "civilian" jeans...EVER. Maternity jeans are the BEST!
Stretch marks? Not yet...hope this stays! 
Sleep:  Pretty good!  I feel like a RHINO when I go to lift myself up in the morning- but I'm very happy about my sleep at this point.
Best moment this week: Last week (Christmas Eve to be exact) I felt Christian have the hiccups for the 1st time! It was SO cool! My belly literally moved for each one! Also, Tyler and I made more progress on the nursery! Hanging pictures and Tyler gets to cut a gutter -yes, a real house gutter (thank you Pinterest) for book shelves for Christian's room! Also, working on project # 2 (again thank you Pinterest) Tyler is making a growth chart for the baby as well. Tyler didn't know it was "Productive Parents" week! ;) I'm still going strong! Yee haw!
Miss Anything?  Getting dressed without sweating, hyperventilating and being depressed when I've outgrown MATERNITY shirts. Can't wait to be able to tie my shoes without having to "prep stretch" beforehand.
Movement: So now that my little cub is feeling more like a grizzly in there. His once, sweet, cute little "kicks" feel like I'm getting  a cheap shot in my ribs, side and bladder. So yes- he is moving!
Food cravings: Meat- all day- everyday. Beer (it's a food-today.) Also,  I'm officially coming back to my old self. I was on a Ramen Noodles kick but those days are O-V-E-R! What the heck was I thinking?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Mama's boy :)
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, difficulty bending over to put my shoes on and some swelling in my ankles and feet! (Dreading this!)
Belly Button in or out? in...barely
Mood?: Bipolar- Yes, I said it. I'm really beginning to act and think like a crazy preggo. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm irritated for WHO KNOWS what reason. I just need to make sure everything is done and ready for the baby, then (hopefully) I'll come back to earth ;) Tyler is SO lucky! haha!
Looking forward to: The New Year! We have one more shower hosted  by Diane and Morgan this weekend and then it's the final countdown for Christian's arrival! We are so EXCITED to meet our little baby boy!

Let the countdown begin!
1 Month 7 Days

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