Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 Weeks!

Christian is close to 3 lbs!
Measuring about 17 inches!
How many weeks? 29
Total weight gain: 31 (....not feeling good about this #!!)
Maternity clothes?  With this belly?...DUH! ;)
Stretch marks? Nope- Lathering up everyday!
Sleep: I'm doing better!
Best moment this week: My Mom got me a prenatal massage and pedicure! I'm a lucky gal!
Miss Anything? Tailgating- went to the OSU vs. Michigan just wasn't the same
Movement: He likes to kick my ribs on the right side. Makes me giggle b/c it tickles!
Food cravings: Meat- (what's new?)  Fruity snacks. I bought a Kit Kat and didn't like it anymore!!!....What the heck!?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Symptoms: Minor back pain, and starting to visit the bathroom again frequently
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Happy :)
Looking forward to: My friends baby shower in Cincinnati this weekend. Hosted by my amazing gals: Sarah, Tessa and Megan. Can't wait to visit my old stomping grounds :)

Thought I'd some fun pics from the Ohio State vs. Michigan tailgate 



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