Thursday, December 20, 2012

32 Weeks

Christian almost weighs 4lbs!

How many weeks? 32
Total weight gain: 35...(I'm tempted to remove this section! Its out of control!)
Maternity clothes?  Yep. But I am still squeezing into regular tops...literally, SQUEEZING.
Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep: Sleeping pretty solid. It may be because I run myself all day and I'm so worn out by the time I hit the bed. Christian has been waking me up with his movements.
Best moment this week: Nursery is moving along! New paint, carpet and Tyler surprised me with setting the crib up! I have all the clothes washed and put away, now just need to decorate and organize the rest. SO EXCITED!
Miss Anything? Moving around like I use to. I told Tyler I use to be able to "go-go-go" and now I'm "going" but much slower. Hurts my pride ;)
Movement: Oh YES! Since Christian is really growing, I feel ALL movements! It's pretty amazing! Although, I still have not felt hiccups! I've been waiting for them!
Food cravings: Steak, Fish, Milk...and my more "pregnant" craving....Egg Nog. LOVE IT.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, seriously so grateful for this.
Gender: Little Prince :)
Symptoms: Dizziness, shortness of breath, BIG ol' BELLY! Santa has competition!
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: So HAPPY! Christmas is next week, along with NYE the following, THEN Christian will be here!!!
Looking forward to: Christmas! And hopefully surviving the "End of the World" this Friday the 21st. I really want to meet my baby! But, seriously just taking in my final holidays before I'm an official Mama. Hard to think this time next year Christian will be running around like a mad man...I'm going to do my best to soak it up.  

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