Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012...

This past year has been filled with every emotion I think one could possibly have. But here I am at the end- and my life could not be better.

I'm beyond humbled and grateful for all the wonderful things happening and I will truly cherish this year for as long as I live.

My "Thanks" to 2012:
  • February: Nashville Trip with my wonderful family- Mom, Janet, Angie, Caty & Julie. A weekend full of memories and the weekend that truly saved my life
  • April: Reconnecting with Mr. Tyler Small- Little did we know what would be in store for us ;)
  • May:  My 1st Indy 500 trip with Caty Daniels! I finally got to see why my Grandpa loved the races so much. Great weekend!
  • June: Biggest news of my life- I'm going to be a Mama!
  • July: Seeing my baby for the 1st time
  • August: Month of "Goodbyes"- Left the Bank, moved from Cincinnati and left my friends...all to start my new Chapter of my life in Millersburg with my new family
  • September: Began my new job at Promotion Therapy Services and finding out that we are having a baby BOY!
  • October: Feeling Christian's 1st kicks! 1st baby shower for the little man
  • November: Getting engaged to the Man of my Dreams-I can't wait to be "Mrs. Natalie Small"
  • December: Baby Shower #2, Christians 1st hiccups (that I felt) My final holidays before I'm officially a new MOMMY! oh yea- and the world didn't end! (wahoo!)

As the New Year is here and I being to think of all the "firsts" I'm going to experience. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of this journey. For all the love and support from family and friends over the past year, I am so blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life.
Cheers to a Healthy, Happy & Blessed

Thursday, December 20, 2012

32 Weeks

Christian almost weighs 4lbs!

How many weeks? 32
Total weight gain: 35...(I'm tempted to remove this section! Its out of control!)
Maternity clothes?  Yep. But I am still squeezing into regular tops...literally, SQUEEZING.
Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep: Sleeping pretty solid. It may be because I run myself all day and I'm so worn out by the time I hit the bed. Christian has been waking me up with his movements.
Best moment this week: Nursery is moving along! New paint, carpet and Tyler surprised me with setting the crib up! I have all the clothes washed and put away, now just need to decorate and organize the rest. SO EXCITED!
Miss Anything? Moving around like I use to. I told Tyler I use to be able to "go-go-go" and now I'm "going" but much slower. Hurts my pride ;)
Movement: Oh YES! Since Christian is really growing, I feel ALL movements! It's pretty amazing! Although, I still have not felt hiccups! I've been waiting for them!
Food cravings: Steak, Fish, Milk...and my more "pregnant" craving....Egg Nog. LOVE IT.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, seriously so grateful for this.
Gender: Little Prince :)
Symptoms: Dizziness, shortness of breath, BIG ol' BELLY! Santa has competition!
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: So HAPPY! Christmas is next week, along with NYE the following, THEN Christian will be here!!!
Looking forward to: Christmas! And hopefully surviving the "End of the World" this Friday the 21st. I really want to meet my baby! But, seriously just taking in my final holidays before I'm an official Mama. Hard to think this time next year Christian will be running around like a mad man...I'm going to do my best to soak it up.  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree...

Tyler and I purchased our 1st Christmas last Saturday, December 8th at a local place near Shreve where his parents get their tree every year. Our original plan was to get a tree that you can plant so we can see each year and the years after all the Christmas's we have shared together, but before we do that I wanted to do something different this year.

Picking out our tree
We decided to go with a regular pre-cut tree so we can make our 1st ornament. Next year when we have our little guy we will start the tradition on planting the trees. Here is what I have in mind for this year...
Thanks to Pinterest for the fun idea!

We found our tree and set it up as soon as we got home. Finding a place for it in our home was a bit challenging as the tree was pretty big. We chose the corner of our living room and it worked perfectly. 

It smelled so good and made the house extra cozy! But then the unimaginable happened...
Seriously it wasn't even 20 minutes and I heard a loud boom! Merry freaking Christmas to us.
Tyler smiled and I was irate! I was the one who put (almost) everything on the tree -yes, I did not make it to the back of the tree -but in my defense when you have a belly like this things just don't get done the same. And you would never know it if the stupid tree didn't fall! Anyway, Thank God for Tyler and his patience, he quickly set the tree back up.  So with that said... Cheers to a fun 1st Christmas tree memory!
From our house to yours...



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Boy am I lucky! My wonderful friends threw Christian and I an amazing baby shower, Saturday, December 1. I want to thank Sarah Packer, Tessa Dillon and Megan Miller for making my shower so fun and perfect! From the invitations, food, and décor everything really came together and I had a great time!

It was so nice seeing everyone and visiting the city again. I really miss Cincinnati more than I could ever imagine and this weekend was a reminder of how fortunate I am to have such a loving and supportive group of friends.

From friendships that developed early on- to my old co-family at the bank, THANK YOU ALL for being there for me as I begin this new chapter. It certainly wouldn't be as enjoyable and special without all of you in my life.

The shower was held at Tess's beautiful house! She did a fantastic job decorating and hosting! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Tessa and Megan who hosted the shower!
 Poor Sarah couldn't make it b/c she was sick,
but you were there in spirit Sarah Annie! :)
Thanks again girls! I love you!
Kimber and Tara! Friends from OPT :) Miss you girls!

Mel, Emily, Judy, Kathryn, Mary & Denise hanging out :)

Bank friends! Melissa, Judy, Me, Kathryn, Jodi,
Samantha, Mary and Mel

Tara & Kimber  plus little Aiden made a special appearance!
Makes me so excited for little Christian :)
Tessa's AMAZING onesie's she made for Christian :)
A few of the delicious cake pops made by
Caty's Cake Pops! (best cake pops EVER)  
Sarah made Christian a beautiful blanket,
Cousin Caty got him his 1st pair of Sperry's
OSU onesie from Tara- He will be a buckeye
Tessa's dumbbell onesie
Christian's 1st Monogram Ornament from Mel
Emily's sweet outfit for Christians yacht
and Nana and Papa got him the Willard tradition
The Night Before Christmas book for Christmas next year.
We are SO LUCKY!
Thanks again everyone!
We love you!