Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 Weeks!

Christian is close to 3 lbs!
Measuring about 17 inches!
How many weeks? 29
Total weight gain: 31 (....not feeling good about this #!!)
Maternity clothes?  With this belly?...DUH! ;)
Stretch marks? Nope- Lathering up everyday!
Sleep: I'm doing better!
Best moment this week: My Mom got me a prenatal massage and pedicure! I'm a lucky gal!
Miss Anything? Tailgating- went to the OSU vs. Michigan just wasn't the same
Movement: He likes to kick my ribs on the right side. Makes me giggle b/c it tickles!
Food cravings: Meat- (what's new?)  Fruity snacks. I bought a Kit Kat and didn't like it anymore!!!....What the heck!?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Symptoms: Minor back pain, and starting to visit the bathroom again frequently
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Happy :)
Looking forward to: My friends baby shower in Cincinnati this weekend. Hosted by my amazing gals: Sarah, Tessa and Megan. Can't wait to visit my old stomping grounds :)

Thought I'd some fun pics from the Ohio State vs. Michigan tailgate 



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So happy!

Saturday, November 17, 2012- A day I will remember forever!

Tyler and I were traveling south to spend the weekend celebrating my cousin Julie's 30th birthday and my Dad's birthday. We had just arrived in London and pulled up to my parents house to be greeted by my sweet niece Ella Jean and my Mom.

I was getting out of the car and Tyler came around the front ( to, what I thought) help me with the bags, but he asked me to put the bags down. So as I'm trying to set the bags down, he starts taking them out of my hand not knowing they are caught on the ring on my right hand. I'm like " OMG Tyler, what are you doing?!" He gets my bags out of my hand and it looking at me shaking...
I'm thinking "oh geez, what is he doing!?" As he grabs both hands smiling he says to me,
"Natalie, 4 years ago when I met you, I let you slip out of my life...I never want that to happen again.I love you." And I'm like "What? I love you too!? What are you doing?!" so then he reaches in his pocket and drops down on his knee and asked me to marry him!!!

Meanwhile, Mom and Ella are still in the yard, Mom is trying to sneak away and Ella has run off at this point. I hug and kiss Tyler after I told him I suppose I would marry him (I'm only kidding ;) he he)... I told him "Yes!" And then I smacked him for being such a sneak. I look up at Mom and asked her if she knew about this and she said she didn't know it was going to be then, but thought it was going to happen that weekend. Tyler grinned and told me he called Dad that morning to ask him.

Not only was the day extra special for the obvious reason, but when I asked him why he chose that day and not the following weekend (which I later found out was his original plan) he told me that when I told him the night before that it was Grandpa's birthday the next day (the 17th) he wanted it to be on that day.

Tyler never got a chance to meet my Grandpa. I am always telling him how he reminds me of him with his passion to fish and his kind heart. My Grandpa never got mad at my Grandma- In fact, he would giggle at her when she would get fired up-which is exactly what Tyler does to me. I see a lot of Grandpa in Tyler and I feel in my heart that my Grandpa had a lot to do with Tyler and I meeting and now starting a family together. Makes my heart smile...

Another special part of this day was the ring. The ring I am wearing means so much to me because it's not just any ring- it was the ring my Grandmother "Ee" wore. My Dad had given his mother's ring to Tyler a couple months ago and wanted Tyler to have it. It is simply beautiful and the fact that it was in my family makes it so special. Ee was a remarkable woman who without her, I would not be the lady I am today. Ee instilled in me the importance of acting like a lady and the value of cherishing family tradition. I am so honored and proud to wear this ring. My Dad left me a note in the box telling me that this ring was worn with a lot of "love". I promise to carry on that tradition with love and honor to Tyler for the rest of my life- just as Ee did with my Grandfather Jimmy.  

Saying I'm lucky would be an understatement. I have been blessed beyond belief with all the wonderful things in my life. One being that I have an amazing family and now have found the man of my dreams, who is not only a perfect match for me but will be an amazing father to our son. I am truly the luckiest gal around and can't wait for this upcoming year! I get to start my family and marry my Best Friend.
Lucky in Love <3


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Third Trimester...Hollaaa

Christian is weighing over 2 lbs and is 14 inches long!

How many weeks? 27! aka Home Stretch!
Total weight gain: 25
Maternity clothes? Yep, although I am still "trying" to wear my regular tops as long as I can
Stretch marks? Zero, I pray it stays this way...
Sleep: Not fun! I know it will only get worse but I cannot get comfortable
Best moment this week: Mama got Christian his 1st Buck! I will share pics & story  below
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and booze ;)  
Movement: I have a little Monkey in my belly!! He is an active boy!
Food cravings: Meat and hearty foods, although for the 1st time I had a "had to have moment", when I saw Egg Nog milkshakes advertised for McDonalds. It was better than I had hoped! YUM! Love holiday drinks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm a lucky gal-nothing has bothered me!
Gender: Little Boy :)
Symptoms: BIG Ol' BELLY! WOW!
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Happy! Everything has fallen into place! I have a wonderful Man by my side, a little mini- Tyler on the way and all the love and support from my family and friends. I certainly am BLESSED!
Looking forward to: Taking little Christian deer hunting next season...

Deer vs. Car

This past Saturday the Beathard gals came up to Holmes County for a fun getaway weekend with my Mom. Friday night they shopped and we met for dinner then Saturday we made our rounds to all the local country stores. Later that evening Mom, Ann and Jessica were going to a play in Sugar Creek so Chelsea and I were just going to head back to my house and hang out after a long day of shopping.

After Jessica dropped us off at my car around 6:15 as we were our way back to Millersburg we came up over a hill and there taking his good ol' time crossing was a buck! I was going about 45-50 mph and tried to slow down as much as I could, knowing I was going to hit the deer. I braced for impact using my right arm to cover Christian, left hand to stay straight and closed my eyes as we hit him. Luckily for us my airbags did not deploy and my car (which I just purchased in September) took the hit like a champ.

I immediately pulled over and looked at Chelsea and asked if she was ok then asked her what we do now since she is/was a paramedic.  She said call Tyler and he told me to go ahead and call 911. We call in and the dispatcher sends out a trooper right away. I was a little shaken up and my breathing got a little crazy after the hit, but I was happy I didn't completely freak out!

Chels and I move my car down the road as my bumper lay smashed into my front left tire. Due to the traffic and it being so dark  it was important that we get off  St. Rt. 39. The trooper arrived within 10 minutes or so and asked if we were ok,  THEN  wanted to know how many "points" the deer was. I'm like "Points? ...Uh it was a male buck? Is that what you're asking?"

OK- Let's get this straight. For all you ladies out there who aren't into hunting (which would be me) Tip #1  if someone questions you about "points" on a deer they are referring to their antlers. Tip #2  NEVER combine the words "Male Buck" in the same sentence, you sound like a complete idiot! (kudos to me! I blame it on the pregnancy). Tip # 3 When you're about to CRASH into a deer and it happens to be a "BUCK" you MUST count the antlers on him, this is vital information that I failed to collect.

Next post lesson: "Coon Hunting 101 with Natalie" ;)

To top if off as we are waiting for the tow truck to come get my car and Amish man pulls over and asked "Uh, I just wanted to see if anyone was going to take that deer?" I look at Tyler and I'm like "OH. MY. GOSH! He is serious!?" Tyler just grinned and told the man to take it. But I said that I wanted it because we were going to mount it's head in Christian's nursery!

At any rate- the trooper had the man bring it back so he could write him a tag. Within 10 minutes or so he brings the buck back (all in one piece to my surprise!) so instead of a wall mounting I guess a picture will have to do. Either way Mama Bear got Christian his 1st Buck! How about that!?

Maybe it's time to go back to the city...? just teasing Tyler ;)

You can even see the antler marks on my hood!

Pretty messy eh?

Tyler and I went to check on her in daylight...wasn't any better :(

And here he is... Happy Holidays ;)
Needless to say, someone was certainly looking over us that night! God is GOOD! <3

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our 1st Shower!

This past Sunday, October 28th, was Christian's 1st baby shower in London, Ohio at the train depot. I want to send a HUGE THANKS to all those who helped: My Mom, Aunt Nanette, Sister-in-law Angie, and Diane.

The shower was simply perfect! It was decorated in beautiful shades of blue with a huge spread of food-including Mom's adorable signature sugar cookies! The centerpieces were made by Angie- she did an amazing job adding my favorite flower (baby's breath)  in vintage mason jars along with sweet little frames with quotes on Motherhood. All the little details really made it extra special and everything came together so nice. I cannot thank you all enough, especially my Mom for all your hard work...I love you.

And Christian.....WOW! He made out! He got his baby monitor,crib, crib set, high chair, baby gym, swing, rock n'play, stroller, jumper and SO many sweet outfits, blankets and toys. He will be the cutest little boy in Holmes County!

Tyler and I are beyond grateful and feel so blessed to have so many of you show your love and support. I had a wonderful time with family and friends and truly enjoyed seeing each and everyone of you. Each get together gets me more and more excited for my little man's arrival. February will be here soon!

A few pics from the shower. My camera battery life was low so these pics don't show all the awesome details I wanted to share with you. I'll be sure to do a re-cap later :)

Aunt Nanette's sweet sheet cake!

One of the beautiful center pieces made by Angie!


My beautiful Mom <3

Diane and I- Christian is a lucky guy!


Aunt Nanette & Cousin Debbie
My Grandma <3
Angie, Caty and Julie- Love these girls :)


Best Friends 4- Life- Sarah Annie :)
Thank you all again! What a great day!
Tyler, Natalie & Christian