Monday, October 15, 2012

23 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a Barbie Doll! Weighing 1lb!
How many weeks? 23
Total weight gain: 20
Maternity clothes? I have officially gone shopping. Broke down to buy some new work clothes.
Stretch marks? No, praying that it stays like this...
Sleep: Becoming more challenging. I'm suppose to focus on sleeping on my side-pretty tough when I'm a belly/back sleeper. But it's not too bad.
Best moment this week: I felt little C-Dog move!! It was Friday night in the car and I felt this little tickle in my belly. Tyler was talking and I literally stopped in my tracks and was thinking "was that gas?... no. am I hungry? Oh my goodness...It's Christian!" Since then I haven't felt it much so I'm hoping he starts moving more. ( I'm sure I'll regret that one later haha) Then I was on my couch with my iPad and out of nowhere it moves! I was like "OMG! Christian!" so I yelled for Tyler and of course he stopped moving. So then Tyler wakes me this morning telling me as I was asleep he felt Christian moving for 10 minutes. Best moment so far! Makes it all SO REAL! ....(zip it, I know some of you are thinking, the test, the heartbeat, the gender reveal haven't made it real?)....Well, yea of course -but this REALLY makes it SUPER REAL!
Miss Anything? Um, I still miss participating in tailgating. I also miss working out hard- But really and truly I feel pretty darn good.
Movement: Tickle in my belly!! Sooo weird and crazy/cool!!
Food cravings: Meat, Carbs and Fruit this week. Apples and Bananas  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still clear- nothing!
Gender: it's a BOY! I knew it!!! Little Stinker can't fool his Mama! ;)
Symptoms: Um, my belly grew overnight! Is that a symptom? haha! Just heavier by the day. Minor discomfort in my back.
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Feeling happy! We can start planning for our baby boy now!
Looking forward to: Holding little Christian for the 1st time. I know I'm a little over 1/2way so there is a lot of time-but I just can't wait to see him. I'm constantly asking Tyler,
"I wonder if he will be calm like you or crazy like me?"
"I wonder who he will look like?"
"I wonder if he will be a hot head like his mama or be a happy guy like his Daddy?"

So much to wonder...and SO exciting!

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