Monday, October 22, 2012


My gorgeous 6 month roses from the sweetest guy on earth!
Thank you Tyler for always being so thoughtful!
I love you sweetie

I'm officially 6 months pregnant! I cannot believe it! I am feeling a mix of emotions, but definitely getting excited for the fun stuff ahead these upcoming months.

My first baby shower is this Sunday, October 28th in my hometown hosted by my wonderful Mom. Registering was a bit challenging at first, since I could only register for items online.Tyler and I made a trip to Babies R' Us and Target to see how the items I chose looked in person...and thank goodness we did because the original "Travel System" I registered for online was purple in person! In my defense- it definitely looked black and grey on the computer screen! Stellar job on my end eh?
It can be very overwhelming once you realize how many items these little ones need and how costly all the "have to have" items are. I mean would it really hurt if Tyler just put a rope on a tree out back with mini swing attached and a mini trampoline underneath -instead of buying a actual "jumper"?  That should do the same thing plus it's a lot more cost efficient! I'm kidding.( I'm starting to sound like a little country bumpkin!)
I do know that many of the items  that we "need" will come in handy and I'll be thankful we have them but being new to all of this it's hard to really "get" ;)

Other than growing daily, I feel really great! I went for a walk last week and ended up running a half a mile! *Please note: My run now vs. my run pre-pregnancy have totally different meanings. Because we live in the country and I am on the back roads, I'm able to attempt this without completely losing all my pride. Heck, I was just happy to finish without peeing my pants! (seriously)

We still have our hands full on our "to do" list, and I'm getting a bit nervous thinking about the time left and the holidays quickly sneaking up. I have no doubt that everything will work itself out but I guess it's time to really start moving! Little Christian Douglas will be here before we know it :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

23 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a Barbie Doll! Weighing 1lb!
How many weeks? 23
Total weight gain: 20
Maternity clothes? I have officially gone shopping. Broke down to buy some new work clothes.
Stretch marks? No, praying that it stays like this...
Sleep: Becoming more challenging. I'm suppose to focus on sleeping on my side-pretty tough when I'm a belly/back sleeper. But it's not too bad.
Best moment this week: I felt little C-Dog move!! It was Friday night in the car and I felt this little tickle in my belly. Tyler was talking and I literally stopped in my tracks and was thinking "was that gas?... no. am I hungry? Oh my goodness...It's Christian!" Since then I haven't felt it much so I'm hoping he starts moving more. ( I'm sure I'll regret that one later haha) Then I was on my couch with my iPad and out of nowhere it moves! I was like "OMG! Christian!" so I yelled for Tyler and of course he stopped moving. So then Tyler wakes me this morning telling me as I was asleep he felt Christian moving for 10 minutes. Best moment so far! Makes it all SO REAL! ....(zip it, I know some of you are thinking, the test, the heartbeat, the gender reveal haven't made it real?)....Well, yea of course -but this REALLY makes it SUPER REAL!
Miss Anything? Um, I still miss participating in tailgating. I also miss working out hard- But really and truly I feel pretty darn good.
Movement: Tickle in my belly!! Sooo weird and crazy/cool!!
Food cravings: Meat, Carbs and Fruit this week. Apples and Bananas  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still clear- nothing!
Gender: it's a BOY! I knew it!!! Little Stinker can't fool his Mama! ;)
Symptoms: Um, my belly grew overnight! Is that a symptom? haha! Just heavier by the day. Minor discomfort in my back.
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Feeling happy! We can start planning for our baby boy now!
Looking forward to: Holding little Christian for the 1st time. I know I'm a little over 1/2way so there is a lot of time-but I just can't wait to see him. I'm constantly asking Tyler,
"I wonder if he will be calm like you or crazy like me?"
"I wonder who he will look like?"
"I wonder if he will be a hot head like his mama or be a happy guy like his Daddy?"

So much to wonder...and SO exciting!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Baby Small is a...

 My doctor appointment was scheduled Friday morning. Tyler and I were so anxious the night before we could barely sleep! My Mom, Diane (Tyler's Mom) and my Aunt Nanette were meeting us in the morning at the clinic for the ultrasound.

They recommend you drink 32 ounces of clear liquid prior to your appointment to make it easier to see the baby, so by the time we arrived to Wooster (30-35 min drive from us) I had about 42 ounces (just to be safe) of water and was ready to get the appointment going! We walked into the clinic with the ladies greeting us with smiles.  As I go to check in the woman working looks at me and says " Natalie, your appointment was at 8:00 not 8:30". I immediately turn red and feel like I'm going to cry because Caty was throwing us our "Gender Reveal" party that night so all I could think was having to call everyone because I AM A SPACE CADET and messed up my appointment times. I turn around to Tyler and the girls with this worried look on my face saying "OMG, Mom was appointment was at 8:00!! I don't know what is wrong with me!"

After a minor freak out, the lady called back to Roger - the gentleman that performs the ultrasound to see if we could at least have a short visit. Lucky for us we DID!  As Roger was pressing on my belly he mumbles "It's a Boy..." I'm like " WHAT!? A BOY!?" I started to cry and so did Mom and Diane. Tyler looked at me so proud and so excited! It was truly a moment we will cherish for the rest of our lives.

So for the rest of the afternoon and early evening we had to keep it a secret because our party was at 7:00. It was SO hard not to share it with anyone, especially those who were trying to find out early ;)

All-and-all it was a PERFECT party! Caty and Carol out did themselves and made the night so special. The Cake Pops were a huge hit and all the little details from the pink and blue table cloths, centerpieces, Sweet Table and "Small Diaper Fund" made it perfect. Everyone enjoyed sweet snacks along with punch and some adult beverages ;)

We had a great turn out of family and friends and want to thank everyone again for making it. I know it was hard with it being on a Friday and short notice-but I can't tell you enough how much it meant to both Tyler and I having you there.  It was the perfect ending to the perfect day!

Tyler and I are excited to announce we are having a....
I tried to be "tricky" with all my pink-but everyone still thought it was a Boy! We choose the name Christian Douglas Small after both of our fathers. Family is so important to us and little Christian is so lucky to already have so much love.

Here are a few pics from the party. Enjoy!
The Cake Pop Diva and Hostess-
My cousin Caty

My wonderful girlfriends!
Emily, Mel, Caty, Sarah, Baby Scarlett and Megan

My cousin Julie, Sister-in-law Angie, Cousin Caty and Me

Janet, Mom, Me & Ann

Me and my Dad after announcing.
So excited for his 1st Grandson!