Thursday, September 13, 2012


Just wanted to tell everyone how excited we are to find out tomorrow what we are having. The appointment is at 8:30 a.m., both of our Mom's will be in the room to share this special time. Up until now both Tyler and I have thought it's a little boy- but for some reason today I am unsure, maybe it's a girl!? This world needs another Natalie ;)

My cousin Caty and her Mom Carol are throwing Tyler and I a "Gender Reveal" party in my home town of London. They are having desserts and drinks! I can't wait to see everyone. One of the rules is everyone has to wear either Pink if they think it's a girl or Blue for a boy. The invites alone are absolutely adorable and Caty is making her signature cake pops (which are AMAZING and super CUTE!). I can't wait to share party pics with everyone next week!

Less than 12 hours! Ahh! Sooo EXCITED!

Some of the ADORABLE invites made by Caty & Carol
You gals are the BEST! Love you!

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