Thursday, September 13, 2012

18 weeks!

The Baby is the size of a large tomato!
How many weeks? 18
Total weight gain: 12
Maternity clothes? Pants, but my Dad said my "muscle shirts" need to go now. LOL!
Stretch marks? None- Thank Goodness! Praying this Bio Oil and Cocoa Butter will save me!
Sleep: Great! But definitely noticing discomfort sleeping on my back. 
Best moment this week: (this was actually week 17 but I'm posting it now bc I'm just getting my pic up)We met with our new doctor this week! She is great! We FINALLY got to hear the heartbeat!!!! It was so precious <3 Hard to think the little one is really in there! The heartbeat was so fast! Around 146 bpm! Definitely a moment Tyler and I will remember forever.
Miss Anything? Now that it's football season, I am missing the fact that I can't participate "fully" in tailgating/cheering on our favorite teams. Looks like O'Douls and Hot Cider will have to do the job this season :)
Movement: Nothing yet, but I hope it will happen soon!!
Food cravings: Meat and Milk  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! So happy about this!
Gender: I think it's a boy, but some days I feel like its a little mini-me :)
Symptoms: Other than feeling heavy I really feel good! Although with moving a few weeks ago I did notice a lot of pain in my lower back.
Belly Button in or out? in
Mood?: Feel Great! Moved in with Tyler and am so excited about being a family!
Looking forward to: Knowing what the baby is! We find out tomorrow! Also I really can't wait to feel the baby move for the 1st time. I guess it should happen between 18-22 weeks! I can't wait!!

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