Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hello again...

WOW!! ONE year has passed since my last entry and finally I have decided it's time to get back on track! 

Our sweet Christian is officially ONE YEAR and is absolutely the funniest, cutest, orneriest, and loving little guy out there. This past year has been a whirl wind to say the least. We have had so many wonderful moments and have gone through so much that has truly strengthened our "Small" family more than ever. 

Our year in a nut shell:


That's a lot to take in, right?!? 2013 was a bittersweet year for us for sure. We feel incredibly blessed to have such an amazing group of family and friends and are so excited for 2014. 

It's been a great year so far with Tyler's promotion (which, we are so PROUD of him!) and buying our first home (closing March 21). Our house is in the same neighborhood as my brother, Ryan and sister-in-law, Angie and the girls. So we are looking forward to a lot of fun memories this summer along with welcoming our new nephew into the family! Christian and Luke are going to be Best Buds! 


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