Thursday, April 17, 2014

Date: April 16, 2014
Weighing in @: 23lbs
Height: 29 inches
Favorite Food: Breakfast pancakes  
New Food I tried:  Asparagus
Favorite Toy: Big dump truck, Motorcycle
Favorite Book: Quack Quack
A show I enjoy: Doc Mcstuffins
New word(s): Hi, and I like to wave when I say it,Nite, Nana
New Trick: Mommy tells me to "flex my muscles" and I make a manly grunt and flex my buff arms.  
Best moment this month: I told Mommy, Daddy, Papa & Nana. "Nite Nite" and was so tired that I walked into my room all by myself to go to bed.
A memory to remember: I was sick with congestion and wheezing for a few days so Mommy took me to the doctor. She should know I HATE that place. As soon as we went into those creepy rooms I started screaming to tell the nurse to to leave me alone but, Mommy said she was trying to help and this visit wasn't going to be bad. I don't trust those people at all. Then my doctor came in and I really tried telling her to leave me alone so I screamed even louder and cried really hard. I didn't know how else to tell them I wanted to go home. The doctor said she wasn't too worried about the wheezing and that I had a bad cold. Mommy thought she was crazy for taking me to the doctor after hearing that, but wanted to be safe. She was also hoping for some medicine to make me feel better, but nope...I just had to stick it out and I'm feeling bettter. 
Looking forward to: FINALLY moving into our new home. Mom said that last month, but she said we will officially be in by next weekend. I can't wait for Mommy and Daddy to be home with me every night again.

Dear Christian,

Oh BOY! This past month has been a bit chaotic to say the least. Daddy and I have been working hard on getting our new home ready to move in and haven't had much family time with you. I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass", and by next week we will be moved in and things will be back to normal. 

We are SO excited for this new home. You will be just seconds away from your Uncle Ryan, Aunt Angie and cousins, Ella, Breanne and Baby Luke. You kids will have an opportunity not many families get to share, and that is growing up close together. Rustic Acres has NO idea what they're in for...actually, neither does Mommy and Daddy! 

Now that Spring is here, you will get to play outside and we will be going on lots of fun trips! You are at such a FUN age where you're really starting to "get" things. Your personality has always been cute, but it's crazy seeing you grow into a little boy. You're so smart, so brave (aka dare devil) and, Oh so SWEET!

Some of your favorite things to do are:
-Standing on your chair to climb on the TV stand.
-Standing on your motorcycle and attempt to clap your hands while you balance.
-You love your "Ball" and you actually kick it pretty well! Nana thinks you'll be great at soccer.
-You love to "STOMP" in the bathtub when you stand up. You love the noise it makes and feeling the floor shake a little when you do it
-You love to nose dive off the couch/bed.
-You know the drawer where my brushes are and love to open it, grab a brush and brush your hair. (Daddy is so proud ;) he he ) 
 -You LOVE Mickey Mouse clubhouse "Hot Dog" song! No matter what you're doing if that song comes on you stop and run over and dance. Your dancing is priceless! You love to spin and bend your knees up and down with a very serious face! It's adorable.
-And lastly... as soon as I pull into the drive you "Baa" so I will stop, roll your window down so you can see the sheep. You LOVE the sheep and "bocking" at the LOVE the farm.

That last item is one of my favorite times of the day. It absolutely melts my heart and makes me so proud because you're such a smart little guy. Even though I am so excited for our new home, I hate that we are moving away from the farm. The way you light up when I turn the corner down our road because you know we are almost home is incredible to me. I had no idea that a little guy like you, at such a young age, could be so observant and so smart. You make Daddy and I so proud. We adore you.Thank you as always, for bringing us all the JOY we could ever wish for. 

Stay Sweet. I love you.

"Ma" (I went from "Mama" to "Ma"

14 Month Video

I wanted to share some sweet pictures on the farm.
 Through these pictures you can get an idea of the love and excitement he has for the animals. 
It's pretty awesome. 

County Road 400 will forever have a 
special place in our hearts.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Date: March 16, 2014
Weighing in @: 22.5lbs
Height: 29 inches
Favorite Food: Pizza & Spaghetti 
New Food I tried: Peanut Butter...YUMMY! and girl scout cookies
Favorite Toy: Ball & Books
Favorite Book: Farm Animals
A show I enjoy: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
New word: Ella
New Trick: When asked what sound a lamb makes or shown a pic of a lamb I respond with "Baa". I can also stand up on my own from the floor. (I use to crawl to a wall or piece of furniture to help me get up).
Best moment this month: Sledding for the 1st time with my cousin's Ella and Breanne at their house. 
A memory to remember: 1 year checkup.  I was really scared as soon as Mommy took me into the checkup room. Not only did I get my 1 year shots but they also took my blood. I was NOT happy and Mommy was sad to see me so scared and hurt. But I was just fine later that day! 
Looking forward to: Moving into my new house with Daddy & Mommy! 
Our little Man...

Dear Christian,
It's hard to believe that you are already a YEAR old + 1 Month (....say what!?) Our little man, Mama's little Snuggle Bear, Daddy's little Bud. You bring us so much joy, love & boy, do you make us laugh! Your 12 month was a lot of fun as you are quickly discovering new things. 

Some of your favorite things to do are:
-Getting into the kitchen cabinets, especially the Tupperware!
-You have figured out how to move your baby gate that leads into the laundry room (which is a "No Baby Area") but you think you're so funny when you do it that it's hard for Mommy & Daddy to get too upset with you.
-You now "bark" at Buster, the dog when you see him. Or sometimes when you wake up you "bark" to let us know you're ready to get out of your crib. 
-You have found Daddy's change jar and as soon as you go into our room you make a run for it! 
-You have figured out how to drink out of a straw (which is pretty funny to watch)
-You say "A" to every letter in the bathtub that you hold up
-When you grab a book you make noises as if you're really reading...melt's our hearts. 
-You give kisses on Facetime with Nana & Papa
-And now you're starting to climb & run....yikes! 

All of these little things you have gradually done over time, but this past month you have master some and are beginning others. This whole running & climbing thing is NOT something Mommy is looking forward too. Good thing you're cute! We are so anxious & excited for this next month as we are moving and you will continue to grow!

Stay Sweet. I love you.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hello again...

WOW!! ONE year has passed since my last entry and finally I have decided it's time to get back on track! 

Our sweet Christian is officially ONE YEAR and is absolutely the funniest, cutest, orneriest, and loving little guy out there. This past year has been a whirl wind to say the least. We have had so many wonderful moments and have gone through so much that has truly strengthened our "Small" family more than ever. 

Our year in a nut shell:


That's a lot to take in, right?!? 2013 was a bittersweet year for us for sure. We feel incredibly blessed to have such an amazing group of family and friends and are so excited for 2014. 

It's been a great year so far with Tyler's promotion (which, we are so PROUD of him!) and buying our first home (closing March 21). Our house is in the same neighborhood as my brother, Ryan and sister-in-law, Angie and the girls. So we are looking forward to a lot of fun memories this summer along with welcoming our new nephew into the family! Christian and Luke are going to be Best Buds!